Project Educate: My contribution

18 min read

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An interview with bebefromtheblock

1) If you could bring one deceased legendary artist back to the current time, who would it be and why them?

bebefromtheblock: Johann Sebastian Bach & Kurt Cobain (because 2 is better than one), although I think it's not necessary to bring a deceased legendary artist back to the current time, since Clint Eastwood and Anthony Kiedes are still around.

If you want to read the rest of the interview, go here :pointr:… :pointl:

Typography: An inside look

          Typography is an old form of art, everybody heard about it. But what exactly is typography? Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make language visible while taking various forms, such as animals, objects, faces, hands or more direct inspirational quotes.


Take a look at whole Typography feature :pointr:… :pointl:

Beauty of the Nature contest winners

First Place MaximeCourty :iconmaximecourty: with Woodland Enchantment by MaximeCourty

Shining Autumn by MaximeCourty Pure Mineral Waters by MaximeCourty Overwhelming Fantasy by MaximeCourty Ephemeral clouds by MaximeCourty
The Unforgettable Wilderness by MaximeCourty Vegetal embracement by MaximeCourty Ode to Autumn by MaximeCourty
Sweet November by MaximeCourty Let there be Light by MaximeCourty Golden fields by MaximeCourty

Second Place Whimsical-Dreams :iconwhimsical-dreams: with .:: Awakening ::. by Whimsical-Dreams

.:: Not Forgotten ::. by Whimsical-Dreams .:: Fairywren ::. by Whimsical-Dreams
.:: Free ::. by Whimsical-Dreams ..::Golden moments::.. by Whimsical-Dreams .:: Awake my soul ::. by Whimsical-Dreams

Third Place Nelleke :iconnelleke: with :thumb284655236:

The Tale by Nelleke:thumb256484388::thumb189347048:

Fight cancer!

         Read about DarrenClarke's noble quest to help in the fight against cancer :pointr:… :pointl: and help him in whatever way you can!


         The last one is made for Valentine's Day. Enjoy! :heart:
I want to thank everyone who's been there for me, made me smile, taught me what the community spirit truly means and appreciated my activity. I am truly very happy to be here with all of you :tighthug:

Translated poetry

         Also, i just translated some of my poems from romanian into english, some are written in 2007 so there's been a while and they may seem... odd. I know they lost some of their artistic feeling through translation, but at some point there were people who said they wish they could read my poems, so here are 6 of them, check them out:

Descoperind adevarul - Unfolding the truth
Descoperind adevarul
Ma simt ca un strain in propria-mi imaginatie
Defecta, bolnava, morbida, saturata
De ganduri si imagini ce nu-mi apartin,
Ce-mi trec prin fata ochilor fara control
Fara sa le pot opri, fara sa mi le pot smugle din minte.
Ii chem pe cei ce le detin
Sa vina sa le ia, sa ma scuteasca de pacate
Ce nu-s ale mele, sa ma usureze de povara lor.
Sunt prea slaba si ranita ca sa pot merge inainte
Carand in suflet si problemele altora.
Se zice ca trebuie timp, dar n-am rabdare
Pana vine momentul in care eu sa redevin eu.
Unfolding the truth
I feel like a stranger in my own imagination
Damaged, diseased, morbid, saturated
By thoughts and images that do not belong to me,
Which go before my eyes without any control
Without being able to stop them, without being able to erase them from my mind.
I call on those who own them
Come to take them, spare me from these sins
Which are not mine, to ease me from their burden.
I'm too weak and injured so I can move forward
Vis de aripi frante - Dream of broken wings
Vis de aripi frante
Cand ma lupt cu toti pentru vise desarte 
Si sper, si-mi gasesc sperantele-inselate  
Stiu ca singuratatea in doi e cea mai grea   
Si-o aflu prea curand, dar sper ca nu-i a mea.
Chinuit ma zbat de mult o urma sa gasesc    
O urma de durere, o urma de regret prostesc.  
Si chiar de nu-i vina mea nu stiu durerea s-o ascund    
Ma-ntreb unde-am gresit si, resemnat, tot eu raspund.  
Ma uit in mine, si caut iesirea din visare, dar…    
Realizez treptat ca nu mai e cale de scapare.   
Nu neg, am obosit sa lupt si simt ca doare…  
E nebunie? Ciudat… imi pare atat de real    
Insa renunt… stiu c-am atins punctul terminal   
Mă predau, singurătate, asta vrei si asta-mi ceri…   
Ma misc in somn si ma trezesc, ah,   
Ce vis ura
Pierdut pe coridor - Lost on the corridor
Pierdut pe coridor
Sunetul pasilor rataciti pe coridoare pustii si reci ma inconjoara
Ecoul rasuna gol in ureche si se prelinge incet in mintea-mi inghetata
Strabat pierdut de prea mult timp calea spre visul dorit odinioara
Nu simt, nu vad, nu pot s-ating ale trecutului umbre care ma doboara.
Am incetat de mult sa mai traiesc cu adevarat, si totusi trupul,
Osanda sufletului chinuit tinut cu forta in pieptu-mi rece, obosit,
Nu a inceput inca sa se descompuna.
Ce ciudat… iar pasii rasuna din nou pe coridorul intunecat.
Eu sunt ori altul care bantuie nelinistit amintirile demult uitate?
Ma uit in trecut, nu vad nimic, ma-ntreb de ce exist
Mi-aduc aminte de un vis… e visul meu
Un vis lipsit de sens si trecator ; ca visul oricarui muritor.
Simt sangele ce mi-a ramas cum se infierbanta in frigul apasator
Respir adanc. Ma infior. Aburi tremuranzi imi lumineaza ochii,
Apoi dispar si intunericul revine batjocoritor.
Ma zbat sa scap de el… sunt totusi om. Ma nasc, tra
Mormant de suflet - Soul's tomb
Mormant de suflet
Ieri mi-a murit sufletul si curand trebuie-ngropat
Mi-e teama sa nu se descompuna ; oare cum miroase ?
L-am coborat acum in pamantul de-abia sapat
I-am pus si niste flori deasupra in coroane groase,
Si ritmic, in ton sumbru jelesc pana si copacii
Iar eu stau muta, nemiscata, cu capul inclinat in fata
Si nu gandesc, nici nu privesc misunand gandacii,
Doar ascult vaietul si simt stafiile prinzand viata.
Deodata vantul se-nteteste zgomotos si ma-nfioara
Nu inteleg ce zice, imi suna cunoscut si totusi vag
De parca imi aduce pentru suflet un sunet de vioara.
Raman tot nemiscata, privind la ce-am avut mai drag.
Incet-incet se sting cu calm copacii, se uita glasul lor
Iar eu raman ca si-nainte, o muta fara suflet, fara soarta
Din cer intunecat cade si-apoi se scurge-ncetisor
O ploaie rece pe mormantul sufletului meu de piatra.
Gandesc ca poate e timpul sa plec si eu din cimitir
Si totusi stau… doresc sa mai ascult putin la vant
Dar prea curand, ca si copacii,
Ce frumos esti si cat de bine te imbraci
Te-as vrea doar pentru mine, sa ma ai
Sa ne putem vedea, sa poti sa intelegi
Ca pe dinauntru esti gol ca si ceilalti.
N-ai ce sa-mi dai.
How beautiful you are and how well you dress
I'd want you for myself, i'd want you to have me
So we can see each other, so you could understand
That inside you're as empty as the others.
You don't have anything to give me.
Dorinta - Desire
Singura printre straini, posesoare a unei vieti inutile si absente,
Mi-as fi dorit sa fi fost eu omul vitruvian prea bine cunoscut de toti
Sa radeti la mine fascinati si prosti, cu fata goala si mintile inerte
Iar eu sa strig pe jumatate rastignita ca nu va merge totul ca pe roti.
Alone among the strangers, possessor of an useless and absent life,
I would have liked to have been I the Vitruvian man, well known by all
For you to laugh at me, all fascinated and stupid, with empty faces  and inert minds
And I, halfway crucified, to shout that not everything will go as planned.

         In the near future i promise to translate them all :la:

About features

         :new:You can suggest groups and deviants for the feature/interview here or by note :note: Don't forget to tell me why you want them to be featured! :heart:
         If you receive my message saying that you have been featured in my weekly Poll, click on the link i gave you and voilà - you will be led to the poll's page.
         Also, if the message says that you've been featured on my front page in the weekly Box Feature, but when you come you can't find your work, this can mean only one thing: you came one week (or more) after you received the message.
         Don't worry though; I'll make News Articles with the old Weekly Box Features. So, if you are the owner of the featured deviation, but you were busy doing other stuff and couldn't have a look on my page within a week, or if you are just a curious deviant, you will have from now on the brand new weekly News Articles! Pam pam.

Thieves on dA

         Please help us in reporting these parasites also known as art thieves! Go show them how much we appreciate their kind on devianART, and also, report their works! We must teach art thieves a lesson once and for all. Justice must be served!
         Take a look on  AllArtSupport's blog: HeLp deviantART for more details about how you can identify art thefts and what can you do about them. You will find there a list of recent art thieves + links to the stolen and original works.

         For those of you who think they're smart enough to tell me that uploading your work is at your own risk and if i don't like the situation then i'd better leave and upload on other sites, i give you this to read, you ignorant-high-self-esteemed-trolls! Just because it's hard to fight against it doesn't mean that we should pretend it isn't happening.

Help needed

         If you want and can help kittens and adorable cats you can do it by donating money, toys and medicines. You'll find more details here and if you're truly interested, you can also read the whole story. Helewidis and i thank you for your support. :kitty:
         ItalianPitbull-Stock has rescued a little girl calf from a rundown farm and she needs your help in paying for Annah's medical expenses. More details here.

         Lemurrific found a cat which is in desperate need of surgery. Please help him in raising the funds needed for curing Rocco the cat. For more details, send him a note. Thank you!

Useful Scripts for dA

© 2012 - 2024 Lintu47
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